Revealing the poetic world of French lacquer artist Wensen Qi.





How can we tell a character-driven story that helps audiences immerse in and understand Wensen Qi’s lacquer work and unique creative process?


Develop a narrative to show French artist Wensen Qi’s journey as an artist committed to Chinese lacquer, the personal connection he has with materials, and his special bond with Chinese lacquer farmer Yang Laosi that goes beyond language and culture.

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Our approach was to humanise Wensen. Using a heightened visual film, we candidly explore the physically and mentally challenging aspects of his work, helping audiences to feel the blood, sweat and tears that go into his creations. Coming in at 10 minutes, the film has a complete story that manages to develop an emotional connection with audiences, making it a powerful exhibition film for his work and one that has successfully attracted audiences online.


The creation of objects from the dried sap of lacquer trees, was a medium invented by the Chinese people. Since even Neolithic times, the Chinese used it to great effect, creating some of the most astonishing works of art in the history of mankind. However, producing lacquer wares was not only extremely labour intensive but also poisonous to the craftsmen, therefore the scale of production was relatively small, and they were always highly valued luxury items.

A childhood accident changes the life of rising French artist Wensen Qi but helps him discover his heightened sense of touch and calling as a lacquer artist. A sensorial portrait that dives into his 11 year journey to unravel the mystery of Chinese lacquer as he prepares new work for a museum exhibition in Chongqing that will push his physical senses to a new limit.

Directed by ARJARN JIN

Produced by HEATHER KONG

Cinematography by ARJARN JIN

Sound Design by ARJARN JIN

Edit & Grade by ARJARN JIN

Production by TSESER

Special Thanks

Xiao Rong

Yang Laosi

Sin Sin Man

Luo Zhongli Art Museum


Galet Antique - A Place Called Galet


Converse x Siam Discovery - Future Lab